The Maze Runner Action Figures

The Maze Runner (2014) Poster

7 /10

Intriguing Fantasy Tale

I can see I am in the minority here, but, to be honest, I found the film to be quite intriguing and exciting. I went into the movie "cold", not having read the novel by James Dashner or knowing very much about the plot. For me, this was the type of film that I knew if I just went with the flow and didn't try and look for all the holes in the story and script that I'd be better off.

The way the film was presented by first time director Wes Ball was top notch, as I felt I was right there in the maze with the main characters. The obvious set-up for a sequel at the end of the movie didn't bother me too much as it seems like every movie of this type "has to" have at least one.

In summary, I found this movie to be very absorbing and kept my interest throughout.

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7 /10

A tense, entertaining film with enough thrills and drama to cover up its narrative inadequacies.

It's rare for a big movie studio to trust the future of a potential blockbuster franchise to a brand-new director. You'd imagine that there would be just too much at stake when it came to translating James Dashner's series of best-selling dystopian novels to the silver screen. But it's easy to see why Wes Ball got the job - with this one film, he graduates from short films to blockbuster movies with flair to spare. Indeed, The Maze Runner is such a cool, confident and thrilling blend of action beats and character work that it's hard to believe Ball has never before commandeered a full- length feature film. It's true that the narrative gets a little away from him by the end, making less sense as more secrets are revealed. But this is more a problem with the source material than Ball's own skills as a director.

Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) finds himself thrust rudely into the world of the Glade: a community of boys who have figured out how to live while encircled by a giant, constantly changing maze, within which dwell giant, boy-eating monsters known only as Grievers. Many of the boys, including benevolent pioneer Alby (Aml Ameen) and champion of the old ways Gally (Will Poulter), are content with just surviving day to day. Thomas winds up unsettling the entire camp with his refusal to follow the rules and determination to ask questions: he wants to explore the Maze with designated runners like Minho (Ki Hong Lee), and figure out a way to get free. Life in the camp gets more complicated when, weeks before the next boy is due to be sent up to the Glade, a girl in the form of Theresa (Kaya Scodelario) arrives instead.

There's a lot of blockbuster potential to be squeezed out of this premise, and Ball does so quite wonderfully. The Maze encircling the Glade is a stonily grey, massive enclosure, and the Grievers - when the boys encounter them in increasingly close quarters - are odd marvels made as much of machine as flesh. Ball cuts scenes of great, heart-stopping tension together masterfully: whether it's Thomas running through walls that are fast closing in on him, or Thomas and Minho trying to outrun a Griever while burdened with an unconscious Alby.

The film even finds some welcome dramatic depth in this strange little community of lost boys in the Glade - Thomas' growing antagonism with Gally is balanced against the mutual respect he and Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) develop for each other, and the brotherly connection that he forges with the adorable Chuck (Blake Cooper). The politics of the situation is fascinating as well: as much as The Maze Runner is about, well, running for your life in a giant maze, it also raises big questions about identity and integrity. Is safety and security worth giving up your right to information and choice?

What works less well is the secret around which the Glade is constructed. As viewers, we aren't given a whole lot of answers about why the Glade and the Maze exists, nor do we get many explanations as to why Thomas is so different and insatiably curious. But the ones we do get - all centred around the mysterious, severe figure of Ava Paige (Patricia Clarkson) in some kind of control centre - oddly render the film and its characters less, rather than more, interesting. It's a strangely deflating experience to have the film's rich ethical dilemmas and intense action sequences give way to an underlying dystopian narrative that isn't really all that compelling.

Nevertheless, The Maze Runner remains quite an accomplishment. It's an assured, impressive debut for Ball, one with enough electric tension and moody drama to intrigue throughout its running time. His young cast is fully capable of carrying their own weight, with Poulter - morphing from comic sidekick in We're The Millers into hateful adversary here - the standout. Its story collapses a little into itself as it hurtles towards its climax, but Ball's work is quite enough to leave viewers excited by the prospect of the inevitable sequel.

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7 /10

Great concept, mediocre execution

Wow, I really anticipated on this movie, suspense, action, the unknown, it all sounds very exciting. Now I must say that I have seen some very good movies and series round this theme that may influence my judgment, for example The Cube (1 - 3), Persons Unknown, Saw, etc. all have a person or group of persons who don't know how they get there or how to get away. How is it possible that those movies, some dating from 1997, are so much better then a 2014 movie? And being almost 2 hours long, how come so little happens in those 2 hours? Some reviewers already mentioned the contradictory and illogical elements in this movie, and yes, this does this movie, with such much potential, not much good, it's just annoying to see them not try what is so logic. The movie is entertaining, but leaves you very unsatisfied.

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8 /10


what can i say. i LOVED this film.

yeah sure, it has a *few* weak points and maybe a plot hole or two. And the acting is barebones, these are kids, not Cyrano De Bergerac or Mephistofele, but boy the film is well done.

I mistakenly googled the film's name before it was over, and disappointed myself to learn that it's just the first of three parts, so it means waiting another 2-3 years for the other two films, but that means also that i have something to look forward to.

Now, i normally like more "profound" films, but for once, i really enjoyed this sci-fi romp and no, it's nothing like Twilight. A couple of the characters (Gally, Chuck) are phoned in, but then again, how would you write this kind of plot without these characters getting thrown in?

So the film is a very pleasant, well paced, well directed, reasonably well acted, decently scored, great .. well, nice CGI, entertaining film that will please just about every audience there is, without being horribly commercial, soppy and cliché.

I haven't had this much fun in a long while - although i gotta say Edge OF Tomorrow was just as good.

My final vote - a very solid 8/10, and I'm wishing for parts 2 and 3 ASAP.

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6 /10

Good, but could easilly be better

Although The Maze Runner story isn't one of the brilliants I have seen, it is interesting enough to satisfy my interest. Opening scene is intriguing and wakes your interest to wait to see what to come. Story itself is many times seen in various movies, but citation to such movies as Cube and TV- shows like Lost keeps you interest awake about what to come. Biggest problem is the movie casting. Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) is interesting character enough, but Will Boultier as villain of story is too lame personality. And somehow I don't understand the meaning of Teresa's (Kaya Scolecario) character who seem to pointless for the whole story. Maybe her role for the story grows and clears at the forthcoming movies. Sequel is coming next fall. After all great scenery combined with intensive storytelling is fresh enough to bring this movie a little bit more interesting, than most of those Hollywood's post-apocalyptic serial productions these days. I stay wait sequel with great interest.

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4 /10

Completely Forgettable and Rehashed

I went into this film with low expectations. Having never read any of James Dashner's books, I cannot tell with any certainty if the screenwriters were true to the novel, or if the book makes a better effort than the film to distinguish itself from the multitude of superior films it meekly attempts to imitate. What I know is that I left the theater laughing. And not in a good way.

What should have been an exciting and visceral tale of survival and intrigue ended up stealing two hours of my life by conning me into thinking I would see something original. Instead of suspense and excitement, MAZE RUNNER laid out an entourage of familiar tropes, paper-thin characters, and contrived situations. The 'villainous' antagonist of the film was as one-dimensional and irrationally-plot serving as any character I've ever seen. The character was so silly and unbelievable I actually chuckled at him several times when the film begged me to be serious.

The screenplay was a crash-course in heavy-handed exposition. It was jammed with stock lines: bland, insinuating lines that were supposed to put me on the edge of my seat but instead left me thinking, 'Okay, when are we going to get to the POINT of this movie?' We got to see the intimidating-jerk-who-doesn't-listen-to-reason character, the hardened-guy-who-will-later-be-reduced-to-a-weak-state-to-show-us how-shaken-up-the-best-of-us-can-get character, the arbitrary female (although, thankfully, fewer movies today are marginalizing women), the amnesiac/s, and the innocent-character-we-can-get-away-with-killing. The pacing of the film, if not the events, were completely predictable and the ending (which I came to the theater curious for in the first place) came off as stale and forced, like the rest of the ponderous placeholder scenes that served as a plot. If you've seen movies such as HUNGER GAMES, CABIN IN THE WOODS, or PANDORUM, you have already witnessed better characters, better reveals, and more assured examples of plot development.

Hollywood has developed a very convenient formula to keep theaters full of impressionable teen audiences. We have an outsider who needs to find a part of the group to cling to. They meet a variety of similar sympathetic characters. They act impulsively, which is usually a good thing. They are almost always rebellious and independent by nature, but they need to avoid arousing the wrath of whatever all-powerful conglomerate is hell-bent on keeping them down. Until, of course, the time comes to overthrow them using the various talents that the group possesses. Along with a healthy dose of courage, resolve... and luck. Buckets of ludicrous, gratuitous, convenient, plot-serving luck.

There is no reason that this film should have made the money it has. After six days, it has recouped its budget threefold. Every ticket you buy gives them more ammunition for a brain-numbing cookie-cutter sequel.

I'm not saying the film is the worst I've ever seen. But for God's sake, we don't need any more movies like this. Here's to a better future.

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7 /10

Far superior than rest of post-apocalyptic YA adapts

The film The Maze Runner is based off the three book series written by author James Dashner.

As post-apocalyptic films adapted from YA novels go, and there have been many, The Maze Runner might be the most successful of the 2014 year.

The film opens on a young teen, seemingly kidnapped against his will and unclear of what he is doing. His body, limp on the floor of a openly woven caged box, rises up to the sun and grass where he promptly meets a crowd of his peers, all male. Talking with them he discovers he is exactly like them, unknowingly in this location, his memory erased with only his name available to him, it is Thomas.

He soon discovers the grassy area's perimeter is completely encapsulated by steeply high concrete walls, beyond which is a maze. The goal is to figure out the maze as it is the only way to freedom.

The Maze Runner uses young up-and-comer actors and actresses rather than the obvious and nepotistic decision. Dylan O'Brien does a superb job as the newbie Thomas and Aml Ameen is especially captivating as the leader of the stranded survivors Alby. The primarily British young actors also do a splendid job of masking their native accents for a neutrally American vocal pattern.

Further, Wes Ball's direction of The Maze Runner has a clear vision as it emulates a vastly PG-er Lord of the Flies vibe. The beauty of the film is its simplicity. Since the children and teens are locked in an experimental cage, there is no need for monotonous information delivery regarding the futuristic world. There's no futuristic dialect, class system, government changes or anything of the type.

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7 /10

Is It Greeny on the Other Side

For a film that is budgeted at merely 34 million dollars, this film visually looks really good. For comparison, Fantastic Four had a budget of 120 million and the effects and so called 'set pieces' were awful. This is one of the biggest problems with Hollywood, but that's a discussion for another day. The Maze Runner is actually a surprisingly entertaining movie. For an age in which the medium is flooded with young adult novels and movies, the film feels fresh and isn't overwhelmed by clichés like so many others are.

It's led by a relatively unknown cast. Dylan O'Brien, from Teen Wolf fame, is thrown into a maze structure along with a few dozen other young men who soon find there is more to the maze than they were led to believe. Let me be the first to say I think O'Brien has some chops and definitely has a future in this business. The role doesn't require a ton of range, but I think he proved he can lead a huge action film, and not many actors can say that. The writing itself I thought could have been a little smarter and more mature. Will Poulter, who played a much different character in We're The Millers, was solid in the role that was given to him. But the writing had him doing some really stupid things and was full of forced dialogue I felt.

With that being said, the mythology behind the story is pretty interesting. And they made the film into a more traditional monster film than I'm sure the book originally called for, but it really works. The horror element to the film was by far the most intriguing, and had the biggest payoff. The 'Greavers' also proved to be pretty terrifying, something I didn't think I would say about a film with a bunch of teenagers. So I really only watched this because I'm probably going to see the sequel this weekend, and i ended up enjoying the movie. Plus, having Littlefinger as the next villain gets me pretty excited.

+Monster flick

+Surprisingly well acted


-Some stupid dialogue


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1 /10

Crap! I only kept watching because i wanted to believe it would get better, but it got worse!

I couldn't believe the characters because the things they did were too stupid and shallow. The "resolve" at the end to help explain this bizarre situation just annoyed me because i found the premise of it entirely illogical, even degrading of human intelligence. which killed it for me. I wouldn't bother watching this , or recommend it to anyone i can think of, the acting of the lead was not terrible and neither was some of the other acting, the graphics were good and it was imaginative but the whole thing was founded on a concept that betrays believability even at a stretch and given the bizzarity of the premise, it really needed some kind of half descent reason to be so in my opinion.

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7 /10

It's good, not sure why so many horrendous reviews

I saw this movie on Prime and went for it. I had no idea what it's about or anything. And I tell you what it's not half bad.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't some Oscar winning film or even a film you'll go round telling your mates it's amazing. But it's a relatively simple action film that keeps you occupied and entertained.

What impressed me the most were the characters. Considering that you are essentially lumped in with a group of teens, you get a really solid idea of what each are like, their characteristics etc. The plot itself, like I mentioned is fairly basic. You won't be challenged in anyway. This can be a positive or a negative depending on the way you look at it. I personally didn't see an issue as sometimes a simple action film is what you need.

The female of the group I didn't really understand her purpose. She came in about midway and didn't offer anything, I was left confused the entire time why they added in this. Made me feel like it was pointless plot additions to lengthen it.

But yeah. It's just a simple action film. If you like the genre then most likely you'll probably like this. Like I mentioned it's not going to blow your socks off, but it'll do it's job of entertaining you.

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7 /10

Not a perfect movie but entertaining

Although this is not a perfect movie , it's still interesting . It will not waste your time by watching this film but for my opinion the book is better.

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8 /10

The Maze Runner - Review

Based on the best-selling YA novel, The Maze Runner is the newest, and one of largest adaptions to arrive in cinemas yet. Comparable to The Hunger Games and Twilight, it is in fairly good chances to be the next big franchise. Here is what we thought of it; Setting the tone immediately, lead star Dylan O'Brien awakens suddenly in a very dark and eerie lift travelling from deep below the ground, it becomes apparent that he now knows just as much as we do. The fear is visual and quite real – and just like a young child on our first day of school we are pushed into a new, confusing experience for the next two hours. Arriving atop the lift and unable to remember anything other than his name, Thomas. He is told by a group of teenage boys that he is in a field in the centre of a maze, called the 'Glade', where they all live. Having attempted to find a way out many times, all they know is that the maze is open during the day-time, and closed at night where it periodically changes and is protected by fearsome creatures called 'grievers'. Anyone in there at that time has never returned. Much like an episode of Lost meeting The Lord of the Flies meeting Labyrinth, we understand narrative at the same time as Thomas, who is eventually told that three years ago a young teenage boy first arrived at the glade, and each month since one more arrives in the lift with certain supplies to survive. Unknowing of why and unable to escape they have become helplessly trapped there since. Similarly to The Lord of the Flies, the group of boys, all probably aged 10-20 have creating a living-area, created rules, swearwords and the imperative code to 'never go beyond those walls' - but as Thomas arrives at the glade all seems to change for the worse, and many of the other 'Gladers' take note. Admittedly we had not read the book until after we had saw the film, but from the very first paragraph we noted its book-to-screen accuracy. Fans of the book will be more than satisfied with the minimal changes, and any made are for the better. The film, upheld by a ninety-nine percent teen cast, feels news and many of the actors are in roles unseen before. Dylan O'Brien, From TV's Teen-Wolf, provides an exceptional lead role as Thomas and carries the film in both story and emotional trawls. Although new to the setting and with the films entirety taking place over just a few days, he comfortably fits in, although ruffling many traditions too. At one point it is said 'I don't know if he is brave or stupid, but we need more of him'. Co-staring alongside Dylan O'Brien are equally exceptional performances by; Will Poulter, in a dark tough-guy role, (and absolutely nothing like his recent role as Kenny in We're The Millar's); Thomas Brodie-Sangster stars as a fellow Glader; and Kaya Scodelario in a surprise turn-up as the first female at the Glade - but also 'the last one ever' to arrive. Although the narrative between them is conflicting at times, the chemistry is smooth as if friends both on-and-off the screen. Notably, we can confirm that the characters live-up the book creations and are almost perfectly cast. Evidentially former director/writer/editor/effects maestro, Wes Ball uses skills from his previous work on this film and it shows and flows evenly. Take note future producers, this is how to successfully make a YA adaption, which surprisingly, is just as impressive as the book. Yet unfortunately leaves us with far more questions than answers by the end. Based on the trilogy by James Dashner expect more answers to follow in sequel movies in the soon to be massive franchise. Or, you know … you can read the books before hand? Ultimately, you do not have to be a fan of the books, or even a YA to enjoy the film it, it has something for almost everyone. The Maze Runner arrives in US cinemas 19th September, and UK cinemas on 10th October. Be sure to check back soon and read our exclusive interview with director Wes Ball, and leading cast; Dylan O'Brien, Will Poulter and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Brace yourselves Maze Runner fans!

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7 /10

almost like a two hour twilight zone episode

Dystopian. What is that? The word of the decade? I'd never even heard of this word before a few years ago and I'm not sure what it really means and I doubt most people who use it do either. Now I see it at least once a week. I'm still trying to figure out what 'post-apocalyptic' means. That was the popular word in the 80s and 90s for low-budget sci-fi flicks.

Anyway, with the title and concept like 'The Maze Runner', the movie 'Logan's Run' quickly comes to mind. There are some similarities. Both movies are about a bunch of young people, stuck in a man-made environment, running to escape death. And in both films, there are people called runners.

But this film reminds me more of the Twilight Zone episode where a group of people trapped in a large round room escapes only to find out they were just dolls thrown into a toy bin. Too bad this film is not quite as interesting. Sorry for the spoiler, but, in the end, the kids are indeed human, not action figures.

You have to hand it to the filmmakers. They saw an over-crowded marketplace filled with trilogies based on popular teen books and had the nerve to say, "Me too!" And still they submitted something that offered few original ideas and resembled many of the films of this type that came before it recently. That took a lot of guts.

This film isn't that bad. It just feels like it belongs on a Saturday morning along with the cartoons. I still think the Twilight Zone ending would've been better.

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9 /10


Greetings from Lithuania.

"The Maze Runner" (2014) is very well paced, directed and crafted motion picture. It's a very compelling sci-fi, which tells very interesting and involving story. Although the main structure of "The Maze Runner" will probably look familiar if you have seen more then 100 movies in your life, it's still expertly paced and done so you will be glued to your screen for the whole ride.

Overall, "The Maze Runner" is not to be missed one if you like sci-fi movies, which are good crafted and tells interesting stories. It's not revolutionary good, but it does a very good job for a one evening viewing. I will look forward for sequels.

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7 /10

A way how to forget about daily life

I kind a liked many things concerning graphics and scale of this movie, but more or less I wasn't convinced about this movie until last minute, so don't get too judgmental till you see the movie till very last minute.. Actors were very well as well, I liked variety of them and the way how they were messing with me as a viewer. Though many things were very predictable. Overall this movie was a nice way how to run away from daily maze. In particular, I would highlight the graphics, music as well the way how this movie was given, especially with a lot of questions and just a few answers.. And yeas, I would recommend to watch this movie, and I hope to see the second movie soon...

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7 /10

A story well captivating and darkly detailed.....

The movie banked in with such a lead that most of us would die to see what Dylan aka Styles do in this novel depiction..Believe me the confused confident curious attitude of our teen wolf Star , worked here too...

Glade was a Habitable place, created in the middle of a evershifting Maze inhabited by mysterious(never seen) creatures. group of teens struggling to survive inside the glades, met a disoriented Thomas who , ever since his visit, starts u...nveilling the secrets of the maze with the help of Runners...To add up the complication a girl named teresa was sent as the last one...From there how they embark upon the journey to freed themselves is what Maze Runner All about....Teen oriented movie with a teen starcast, gave a performance so good and observable that The movie will survive the Box Office...

Good Points: 1)A fresh starcast , with some brilliant performances 2)A story which was well captivating and grippy, at no point it was loose, from the first scene it will hold you back and will keep you surprising till the end...and is refreshingly dark....Much better than the book....It seemed more detailed... 3)The set was the best part, what a creation 4)Cinematography well carried out 5)Sound effects were perfect and gave the movie that extra punch...

Bad Points: 1) The end was abrupt

It's a watchable trade......After a long time , a performance based movie from Hollywood...

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7 /10


The appeal of the The Maze Runner for its billion dollar genre is how straightforward everything it seems. It (thankfully) doesn't begin with a voice-over narration, because indeed it's another high concept that designs a world as a mind-bending game. The film already faults for spilling too much rules and details, but when things starts actually moving, the action becomes marvelous, with large scaled, suspense driven set pieces that easily makes it worth the price admission. The worst of it however is when it finally unfolds all of the hidden secrets, compromising much of the potential of this ride. Still, it's pretty hard to deny the excitement of the experience alone. Treating it as another solid action film might be enough for a while.

Things are stronger at the first act when the hero is just picking up information even though the people around him are basically just over-explaining stuff rather than developing their characters. But it's great when it keeps the plot moving from one place to another. Once they get into the maze, the momentum becomes a heartbeat. It works like a certain video game that has its heroes risk through various obstacles, brimmed by conspicuous fortitude. It is a great example of a real action film that relies more on the matter of life and death thrills, even if you're already surrounded by nice production and special effects. There's also an hint of social analogy to fit the genre's trend of playing with politics, except the one here seems simple and intriguing to figure out what it is trying to pinpoint. Everything else is just more scattered clues for the mystery.

But all of those growth suddenly gets bogged down once it hits to their biggest answers. It's obviously setting up for another young adult franchise, but it also hurts to whatever it has put together. At this point, it feels like we're left hanging with more questions, except it's much nonsensical. To be fair after this large disappointment, we're still given a totally fun cinematic experience. The direction is so energetic at its tension, it almost seems to have inspiration some of the greatest horror movie aesthetics and tricks: the ooze, the meat, the traps, the dark walls, and the singular angled chase scenes with the enemy coming closer to the hero. Those are some of its remarkable, well-shot bits that you don't always see in this dull genre. The acting is also good for outweighing what's written for the characters. Dylan O'Brien looks like a hero to root for and he does a fine job for it. Will Poulter also shines as his reasonably arrogant opposite.

The best thing The Maze Runner could offer is the maze itself, though those spectacle couldn't help us ignore the final minutes of the film, but it still overpowers the overall experience. Personally, I would rather look forward more on a video-game adaptation (if it's even possible) than the sequels, but I don't know. It's pretty hard to see where this story is going. It instantly compromises some larger picture beneath the surfaces.for the sake of being another million dollar franchise, but this one has a direction of its own, despite that their destiny seems to lack the freshness. The cleverly constructed action just adds the value, otherwise.

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7 /10

Runner is Not a Blunder, But Rather Vague

This weekend is a big weekend, with at least three blockbuster movies releasing in my neck of the woods. I start my reviews this weekend with perhaps the most anticipated of the bunch, the Maze Runner. Once again Hollywood has decided to take a book series and run with it, in hopes that it will be the next big series to change the world. Yet like always, the question remains: Is this another glorified mess from the trailers, or have they done a good job? Well with two of my good buddies, I headed to the theater to start my weekend of reviews.

I've never read the books, but knowing general trends Maze Runner has some big shoes to live up to. The premise is quite simple, a boy gets sent up to a center of the maze with a handful of other boys, and no memories of where he was before. This familiar bout of amnesia, is apparently normal, and within seconds he is integrated into a culture reminiscent of Lord Of The Flies. Of course, like always, Thomas is the one who defies the normal rules, and starts the journey of change that starts the trilogy. While the story is nothing we haven't seen before, the Maze Runner has some suspense and unknown elements that keeps you latched into the film. Throughout the film, my mind worked to uncover and guess the twists they had at the end, knowing the general nature of the set-up, yet not quite able to figure out the specific details. It is this element, at least for a Maze Runner newbie like me, that kept me into the movie.

Despite the underlying mystery though, there were some other elements in the mix that made the Maze Runner an interesting experience. For one thing the movie is well shot and edited together. The entire journey is captured well, each angle well suited to give you the greatest detail in as little transitions. The same techniques remain during the dramatic argument scenes, which, when combined with the audio of booming drums and blaring horns, brings out the emotion and tension the boys are feeling. Yet, the best part of the camera editing are the action scenes, especially concerning the maze. It is always nice to see a movie defy the trend of shaky camera work, forgoing the "realistic" first person perspective for actually showing us the scene at hand. Whether it be running or fighting, the camera is surprisingly stable and well focused on the matter at hand and brings some excitement to a rather slow plot line.

Yes, unfortunately the story of the Maze Runner is a little drawn out and at points, rather vague and inconclusive. At first the ambiguity is fun, the multiple, unanswered questions keeping you wondering what path the movie will turn down next. These elements are integrated quite well with character developing moments, allowing more character buildup to help set the stage. However, for this reviewer it's nice to get some answers at points in the movie instead of more questions. Maze Runner for me provided vague solutions to the unknown, leaving more questions with that answer. Now this can be good if there is a nice wrap up to the madness, but for this movie that wasn't the case for me. I know, many are going to say that there are three books and answers come later, but this reviewer wanted a little more wrap up to at least some of the questions that developed over the two hours. To tell you the truth, I felt kind of gipped at the end of the movie, saying at the end, and I quote one of the characters, "Really?"

Despite the ambiguity though there are two other elements that help keep the movie going. First off the action is fun and relevant to the plot, the maze portions in particular being an intense fight for survival. Despite being a little savage and gruesome at parts, the evolutionary drive to remain alive is balanced with strategy, running, and fights with primitive tools. The action doesn't seem extra, but is built into the story quite well, spanning the fighting spectrum between the male rivalry to fighting the raging the Grievers. Of course the action is only as good as the acting as well, especially when it comes to interacting with CGI settings. Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) is the staple to the casting, surprising me with his performance of a male version of Catniss. Unlike the leading lady though, Thomas fought the culprits without being as whiney, a plus in my book for a leading character. O'Brien had a nice balance to his role, passionate and fiery, without crossing into an overacted, melodramatic mess. Lead Maze Runner Minho (Ki Hong Lee) was also a nice supporting character, bringing the wing man role to life and adding a little grounding to Thomas's flamboyant attitude. As for characters like Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster), Alby (Aml Ameen), Chuck (Blake Cooper), and Gally (Will Poulter), they were good too and each did a nice job playing their respective characters. Though with the exception of O'Brien, the real strength was the chemistry between all the group was the greatest quality of the acting and the community they formed.

Overall the Maze Runner is a decent addition to the movie based on book library. There is a nice design to the movie, and a lot of good character building to set the stage in this morbid tale. Acting wise it is enjoyable, but in reality it's the action surrounding the story that got me the most. I still wished though that there was some better wrap up than what we got, despite the opening it provided. Overall a decent movie to watch this weekend, and has elements worth a visit to the theater. My scores are:

Action/Mystery/Sci-Fi: 7.5 Movie Overall: 7.0

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10 /10

Absolutely brilliant!

I haven't read the book(s?) but after watching this movie I absolutely will. I didn't know what to expect when I sat down at the cinema, waiting for the movie to begin, but it captured me from the very first scene. The mystery surrounding the place where most of the action happens, and the suspense and ominous feeling always hanging in the air made me unable to tear my eyes away from the screen for the entire film. The ending WAS a bit confusing and unsatisfying, but the rest of the movie was absolutely amazing and I will definitely watch it again. This is without a doubt one of the best films I have seen in 2014. Well done!

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7 /10

Surprisingly gritty, and surprisingly good

My expectations of "The Maze Runner" were not particularly high if I must be honest. Walking in to the theater I was fearing another angst-driven teen movie; like a cheap take on the "Hunger Games" or "Divergent". Much to my surprise, however, "The Maze Runner" delivered. Fast paced, gritty, and supported by good characters and scripting, the movie went beyond just being entertaining; multiple scenes draw you in and immerse you. This was partially due to stunning effects that really emphasized the grand size of the maze, and partially due to the surprisingly dark nature of the film. It would have been easy here to 'gloss over' some of the nastier scenes much like other M-rated titles, but the film makers here decided to go for high impact and sometimes brutal imagery. While not gory by any standards, the dark tone of the film added atmosphere and made for quality viewing.

For those who haven't read the books, the ending may have seemed abrupt, but you leave the cinema feeling like you've got your money's worth... and that's the main thing in this industry

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8 /10

The Maze Runner

I recently watched this movie called "The Maze Runner", a scientific thriller film directed by Wes Ball. The main character Thomas wakes up in a rusty elevator and has no memory. He is in a community full of strangers in a place known as "The Glade". The place is enclosed by a massive maze and there is no escape. Thomas and his crew face a lot of challenges but they learn the ins and outs of the maze and finally find an escape route. The movie is filled with great suspense and kept me entertained at all times.

The story opens with Thomas who wakes up in an elevator which was filled with water for a couple of hours. He is rescued by a gang of unfamiliar teenagers in a place called "The Glade". Thomas is unable to remember anything about himself. Alby, the leader of the group tells Thomas the condition is normal and he should remember his name soon. Alby shows Thomas around and how the Glade works. Thomas wonders whats beyond the maze and whether there is a way to escape. But he is warned by Alby not to go in the maze. While learning about The Glade, he meets Chuck and they both become friends.

In the night there is a celebration to welcome Thomas. Every month a new person arrives and supplies come. Newt, a second in command and gardener tells Thomas the maze keeps changing and the only way to escape is to go through the maze. The Runners are the only one that are allowed to enter the maze. They plan for an escape route in the day and return back before nightfall. One of the boys end up with a fight with another boy named Gally, during which Thomas remembers his name.

The next morning when Thomas is gathering supplies in the woods he is attacked by Ben, who has been stung by grievers; deadly monsters that roam around the maze in the night. The boys decide to banish Ben and leave him in the maze to die. On the other hand, one of the boys Alby is stung and unconscious. Minho, drags Alby to the entrance gate of the maze but is unable to make it through. Seeing this Thomas runs inside the maze and helps. The three boys survive at night with Thomas successfully killing the griever, and they return the next day with Alby which kept the other boys astonished.

A few days later a new girl arrives Teresa, with a note in her hand "She is the final one". On the other hand Thomas accompanies Minho to the maze and discovers an escape route. After finding an escape route, all the boys follow Thomas inside the maze.With lots of twists and turns towards in the end, the boys finally made it through and they find an escape route. They discover that they were living in the world with a fatal disease known as The Flare.

I really liked the photography of the film. The best part of The Maze Runner is the maze itself. The way the maze is built in a 3D form with creepy noises and monsters living inside it. Another aspect which I really enjoyed was the action pack sequence. The action pack sequence shown in the film is great. Most of the times there are fighting scenes with Thomas defeating the griever which is very entertaining to watch. Most of the action scenes were amazing and it seemed the grievers were real.

One of my favorite actors is Thomas; the main protagonist of the film did a great job. Although, he faced many obstacles on the way but he acted bravely and went through fear. He also put himself in danger to help his friend. I also really liked the suspense and action of the movie. The one thing I learned from this movie was how courage and bravery were shown. With an unfamiliar place with strangers, and the will to escape this prison with challenges. I learned that don't lose hope and be prepared to face any challenges that come across.

This movie is mainly to the teenagers as of today many teens like to watch movies of suspense and action. I would not recommend this movie for children because there is a lot of fear and violence. A lot of dead bodies as most boys while were crushed and killed by the griever. In my opinion, I think this is a great and interesting movie filled with a lot of action and suspense. I would rate this movie a 5/5 because it kept be entertained from the beginning to the end. The photography and the visual effects were spectacular and eye-catching.

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6 /10

Although the setup is mildly engaging, The Maze Runner fails to satisfy

The Maze Runner is definitely not the worst teenage-directed dystopian flick out there (I believe that Divergent has that one locked down), but it is definitely not the best, either. Its setup is interesting and builds adequate suspense to keep us watching with slightly interested eyes, but it falls apart with its repeated, clichéd, TV drama like dialogue. It serves to forward the plot, but often tends to show little of anything, really. And it happens a lot. Most of the film is spent talking, mostly about the maze as a sacred, untouchable thing that no one should go into under the consequence of death by the monsters that lurk within the maze. The action, when it happens, is fun, but it doesn't happen often enough.

The film follows a boy named Thomas who is cast into a mini society put together by a group of boys that live in the center of a maze, in a place they call the Glade. Every month, an elevator comes out of the ground with food and a new boy. No one can remember anything before they came into the Glade, although Thomas has visions of symbols and people in his dreams. No one is allowed past the doors that mark the entrance to the Maze except the Runners, a designated group of kids who map the maze in order to attempt to find a way out. The doors close at night and open in the morning. Alby, the group leader, warns Thomas, "No one survives a night in the maze." Of course, Thomas is curious about the maze.

The Maze Runner follows what I like to call "The Avalanche Framework". A person or event disrupts the quiet structure of a strict society, causing it to spiral out of control, inciting absolute panic and chaos within its "walls". Events snowball together into a massive avalanche that destroys everything that the people who created the society ever worked for. It is usually an enjoyable film to watch, and the endings are usually satisfying. The Maze Runner lacks a satisfying ending (It is random and senseless), but it is enjoyable to a certain, very small extent. It holds you by the tips of your toes, never gripping your eyes to the screen or pulling you to the edge of your seat. There is barely anything to make you want to keep watching.

The Maze Runner is surprisingly dark. That is probably the best thing it has going for it. It is more gory and frightening than most teenage movies (although this may not be a good thing), and the helplessness of the whole situation is a feeling uncommon as well to these types of films.

It is a reasonable film, bordering between good and bad. Me being me, I give it the benefit of the doubt.

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3 /10

This is a bad movie, undeservedly marked as a blockbuster.

This is my first review on movies, I'm sorry that isn't good review.

After watching this movie I needed to write something. The Maze Runner is a very bad movie, poor acting, trying to capture poignant moments fail, logic is for director unknown concept. Please don't make a sequel. You should try spend more money on actors, writers and less on the commercial, but you make your goal, that is you make money, but dishonestly.

I'm sorry that i watched this movie.

Best regards to all movie fans.


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10 /10

The Next Resident Evil Franchise?

This movie was perfection in the true sense of the word. It had everything I had ever hoped to see in a movie: a great opening, a highly engaging, thrilling, mysterious, easy-to-follow, simple yet effective and to-the-point plot, likable characters you could actually care about and root for, incredible performances delivered by each and every single actor and actress, a superb conclusion and cliff-hanger ending, which calls for a sequel, awesome special effects, the kind where special effects are kept to a minimum and are not employed for the sake of special effects but for the sake of the plot, a pleasant and balanced mix of all the popular genres: Mystery, Sci-Fi and Action. There was never a dull moment in this mystery-driven movie. I enjoyed every second of it and I was hooked the moment it started. Could this be the next Resident Evil Franchise? I have very high hopes for this movie and believe that if done right, it has the potential to be one of the most successful movie franchises ever. Now I know four of 2014 movies are my most favorite: Edge of Tomorrow, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Need for Speed and The Maze Runner. Strongly recommended. Do not miss out on this one.

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The Maze Runner Action Figures


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