What Is My Bdo Cash Card Account Number

In case you're wondering where to look for your account number on your Banco De Oro BDO ATM card, as even most of us long-time card holders encounter this dilemma once in a while – here's how.

Firstly, you have to understand that your BDO card does not have your account number specified on it – for obvious security reasons. It does, however, show only the first five digits of your account number, as shown below:

ALSO READ: How to Find your BPI Account Number


  • Where to Check your BDO Account Number
  • How to Get the Account Number of your BDO Savings Account
    • 1. Visit your Nearest BDO Branch
    • 2. Check your Passbook (if your have a passbook account)
    • 3. Check your Previous Deposit Slips
    • 4. Call BDO Customer Care Hotline
    • BDO Contact Information
    • In Summary

Where to Check your BDO Account Number

Again, your account number is NOT located on your BDO card. You have to get this information directly from a BDO representative and after verifying security information. This is part of the security measures of the bank. Also, once you have gotten your BDO account number, do not give it to anyone else (unless you are making valid and legit transactions). This is also for your own security.

Below is a photo of a BDO Debit Card for reference and numbers labelled on the card:

BDO ATM card labeled

picture of BDO ATM card

Here in the photo is the front side of the new EMV debit card of BDO, which shows the

(1) ATM card number;

(2) the account holder's name;

(3) the first 5 digits of the account number;

(4) the card validity date; and

(5) the EMV chip.

How to Get the Account Number of your BDO Savings Account

So here are the steps you can do in order to know what your BDO account number is. Please follow these listed steps:

1. Visit your Nearest BDO Branch

you may also ask for your BDO ATM account number by visiting your BDO branch or any BDO branch, and specifically request for this information.

Tip : Before heading out to a BDO branch, remember to have at least (2) valid IDs and your ATM card at hand for identity verification purposes.

2. Check your Passbook (if your have a passbook account)

If you have applied for a BDO ATM card with a passbook , you can look inside your booklet and find your account number printed inside.

3. Check your Previous Deposit Slips

If you're pretty meticulous with your documents, you may have kept your deposit slip when you first opened your BDO ATM account. This piece of paper is very helpful as it has your account number printed on it and you may use it for future reference.

4. Call BDO Customer Care Hotline

And lastly, if visiting any BDO branch is not convenient for you, or if you are based outside of the Philippines, you may just call the BDO customer care hotline to ask for assistance on the retrieval of your account number.

BDO Contact Information

Metro Manila:(+632)631-8000
Domestic Toll-Free Nos:   1800-10-631-8000 (PLDT)

1800-3-631-8000   (Digitel)
1800-5-631-8000   (Bayantel)
1800-8-631-8000   (Globelines)
International Toll-Free Nos.:  IAC +800-8-631-8000

E-mail: callcenter@bdo.com.ph

In Summary

Here are the ways for you to retrieve your BDO account number:

  1. For ATM with passbook holders: check the information inside your passbook.
  2. Visit a BDO branch to request for this information over the counter. You need to present your ATM card together with your valid IDs.
  3. Check your account opening deposit slip (if you still have it).
  4. Call the BDO customer care hotline and request for this information.

To maximize your banking experience with BDO, it is highly advisable for you to enroll your account in BDO's online banking services for more convenient balance checks, simpler (bill) payments, and fund transfers. To know more, you may visit BDO's official website here.

What Is My Bdo Cash Card Account Number

Source: https://thepinoyofw.com/bdo-account-number/

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